Florita Bell Griffin PhD
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For children ages 8-13
In the opening chapter of Where Little Flower Got Her Power, Little Flower finds herself in BIG TROUBLE. Soli, Little Flower's new friend is bullied at school because of her physical disability. Little Flower stands up for Soli, but the adults don't approve of the way she does it. This book paints pictures with words while telling the story of what led up to Little Flower's decision to stand up for her friend, and how she turns her trouble into something good.
Where Little Flower Got Her Power, the first of three Little Flower novelettes, is available in dual translation Spanish, French, Portuguese and Mandarin Chinese, and is included in the Children of The World Story Book and Educational Series.
The series is part of Florita Bell Griffin's Little Flower™ International Cultural Art Project, which uses storytelling and components of artistic media as a stimulus for developing literacy and performance skills, while fostering self-esteem, confidence, vision, diversity, and imagination in children from around the world.
For more information on Florita Bell Griffin's Little Flower™ International Cultural Art Project, visit www.littleflowerartist.com.
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